tanah besar china bahasa Inggris
- tanah: earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres;
- besar: ample; big; big one; booming; considerable;
- china: sino-; people’s republic of china; chinese;
- pandemik covid-19 di tanah besar china: covid-19 pandemic in mainland china
- data pandemik covid-19|carta kes perubatan tanah besar china: covid-19 pandemic data|mainland china medical cases chart
- bencana kebuluran besar china: great chinese famine
- tembok besar china: great wall of china
- terusan besar china: grand canal (china)
- gua besar dalam tanah: cavern
- tanah besar amerika syarikat: contiguous united states
- markas besar kekaisaran bawah tanah matsushiro: matsushiro underground imperial headquarters
- tanah: earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres; abbacy; area; rilievo; landed estate; demesne; real estate; mainland; landmass; relievo; embossment; region; mud; world; shore; continent; clay; solid
- akhbar china: chinese press